The MQ-08, developed by the United Empire of Tyro, had its roots in the nation's longstanding commitment to technological innovation and military prowess. Conceived in response to the need for an agile, close air support platform, the MQ-08 was envisioned as a force multiplier on the battlefield.

Its development began in the early 2020s, amid a shifting global landscape and emerging threats. Drawing on Tyro's expertise in aerospace engineering and robotics, the MQ-08 was designed to operate in contested environments, providing close air support to ground forces with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

Unlike traditional fixed-wing aircraft, the MQ-08 was equipped with advanced propeller technology, allowing it to maneuver with exceptional agile capability. This unique design feature enabled it to navigate complex terrain and deliver firepower with pinpoint accuracy, even in urban environments where traditional aircraft might struggle to operate effectively.

Throughout its development, the MQ-08 underwent rigorous testing and refinement, incorporating feedback from military experts and frontline troops to ensure it met the demanding requirements of modern warfare. Its compact size, combined with its versatile payload options and autonomous capabilities, made it a formidable asset on the battlefield.

As it entered service with the United Empire of Tyro's armed forces, the MQ-08 quickly proved its worth in combat operations, providing vital support to ground troops and conducting precision strikes against enemy targets with lethal efficiency. Its ability to operate autonomously or in tandem with manned aircraft further enhanced its versatility and effectiveness in a variety of mission scenarios.

Over the years, the MQ-08 evolved with advances in technology, receiving upgrades to its sensors, and weapons payloads to maintain its edge on the battlefield. Today, it remains a cornerstone of the United Empire of Tyro's military capabilities, embodying the nation's commitment to innovation and ensuring its dominance in the skies for years to come.

Thx chatGpt i was kinda bored and i had no ideas too lol


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $181k
  • Number of Parts: 42
  • Dimensions: 4 m x 13 m x 12 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 0
  • Wet Mass: 3,833kg
  • Dry Mass: 3,833kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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