fully functioning starship 1:1 scale replica.
how to use:
fly as normally, making sure to abide by the crafts aerodynamics so you dont flip out of control during launch. (gravity turn using yaw not pitch)
next, press 5 to open up your cargo doors, decouple your payload and use rcs in translate mode to move the vehicle so that the cargo comes out of the bays (use Q to back up and S to "lower" the craft relative to the cargo).

when it comes to reentry, because this vehicle is fully reusable you need to orient your heatshield towards your prograde marker.
you can have the vehicle do this for you by pressing 3 (mind you I made this part terribly so timewarp will mess up the orientation of the craft)
when you get near or hit the atmosphere, press 6 to turn on the flap actuators.
your flaps will gently or possibly violently orient your craft with no need of gyros or RCS.

next, make you have the atmospheric engines enabled by pressing 4, and turn off the vacuum engines by pressing 7.
once you are about 700 meters assuming you only have 5% fuel remaining or lower, ignite your engines to 20% throttle and perform the flip maneuver.
you need to pitch up so your engines can slow you down.
now that you are facing upwards, throttle your engines appropriately and press 8 to extend the landing gear.
once you softly touch down on terrain, shut off your engines with 4 to facilitate a fast shutdown as opposed to the slow spool down of setting your throttle to 0.

AG 3 - auto bellyflop orient.
AG 4 - atmospheric engines.
AG 5 - cargo bay door.
AG 6 - flap actuators.
AG 7 - vacuum engines.AG 8 - landing gear (included on craft)
AG 9 - solar panels (included on craft)
AG 10 - RCS (included on craft)


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $119,473k
  • Number of Parts: 146
  • Dimensions: 50 m x 18 m x 9 m


  • Total Delta V: 3.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 16.3MN
  • Engines: 6
  • Wet Mass: 2.34E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.39E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 1.7km/s 8.8MN 36s 2.34E+5kg
2 3 1.8km/s 7.5MN 44s 2.34E+5kg


  • Realistic Engine Overhaul by ComplexRockets Team
    Version 1.7 (6/7/2022 7:22:13 PM)
    View Mod Page

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