Auto Credit Based on VosAerospace's iCon 4 Launch Vehicle

iCon 4LB4

The ninth vehicle in my family of medium/heavy lift rockets


Reusable First Stage (You must land on water and use a boat to recover the booster)
Pad with Strongback
A modified version of KAL V1.1 by KellyNyanbinary
Either fly my VacSat which is located in the cargo fairing or insert whatever you want inside the fairing to send to LDO, GTO or Lunar Orbit
Enough Delta-V to send a satellite to lunar orbit and land the 1st Stage
Be sure to enable the RCS to be able to control the booster’s attitude during landing

This features the Vos Aerospace Communications Satellite One, Mission Code vacSat5

Keep an eye out for the next in the series, the iCon 5!

As always, leave an upvote if you can, and have a good day!

Note: I improved on KellyNyanbinary’s design for the RCS thrusters on the first stage. I just added more ports than are on her rocket and changed the performance to make it more efficient.

About the Rocket:

• Four Natural Gas/Oxygen Full Flow Staged Engines power the impressive Core Booster
• Four more small Natural Gas Rocket Boosters arranged radially around the Core propel the iCon 3SB4 up for the first part of the flight, allowing acceleration of large payloads without expending too much Methalox.
• A small VosAerospace Communications satellite, mission code VacSAT 5


  • Predecessor: iCon 4 Launch Vehicle
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.509.0
  • Price: $318,087k
  • Number of Parts: 258
  • Dimensions: 171 m x 26 m x 20 m


  • Total Delta V: 5.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 70.7MN
  • Engines: 12
  • Wet Mass: 9.71E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 5.27E+6kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 11 670m/s 53.0MN 6.5m 9.71E+6kg
5 1 4.8km/s 17.7MN 59s 4.38E+5kg



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