Auto Credit Based on ExchangeCheap's Type 4 improved 100-ton recoverable launch vehicle

This is a launch vehicle that can recover both the first and second stages.
The carrying capacity is 100 tons for 105 km orbit.
We recommend that the total mass of the load, fairing and separator is less than 110 tons.
This launch vehicle fairing contains a 100t fuel tank, which can be removed at any time.
The average cost per kilogram of payload is around $21.

Operating instructions:
Here's the Video instructions
1.Set the throttle to maximum.
2.Wait for the payload to reach orbit.
3.Switch to the first stage rocket. (Ignoring the warning)
4.Wait for the first stage to land.
5.Switch to the second stage rocket. (Ignoring the warning)
6.Wait. (You can use 100x acceleration)
7.Wait for the second stage to land.



  • Total Delta V: 6.8km/s
  • Total Thrust: 48.8MN
  • Engines: 8
  • Wet Mass: 1.97E+6kg
  • Dry Mass: 1.86E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 4 4.0km/s 26.7MN 2.7m 1.97E+6kg
2 4 2.8km/s 22.1MN 33s 4.05E+5kg

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