A plane that i made with the single goal of cheesing the "Splashdown" challenge in career mode, reachable from Juno Village. It utilizes a single jet engine for its power, and has four parachutes to soften its landing in the water after reaching the location - got around ~17 m/s on my first successful try (see 3rd picture).

You will need the following tech tree parts unlocked:
- The Droodman Side (starter tech tree part)
- Backyard Scientist (rocket stuff)
- Catch them all (parachutes)
- Slow Descent (better parachutes) (not sure if you really need this though)
- RC Enthusiast (planes and wheels and stuff)
- Bird Wanna-be (plane stuff)
- Pushing Air (only needed to unlock progress for jet engines)
- OP Leaf Blowers (jet engines)

You may need the following tech tree parts unlocked, however i am not sure:
- Touching The Sky (may be needed for bigger wings)
- Slow Descent (needed for better parachutes; once again, unsure)

You will also need around 500k ingame cash to use it in the first place. You can easily get this amount, however, since by this point you most likely have already done some contracts that give 100k or more. Additionally, if you get it, the contract for your first orbit gives 500k "for free" since it has a tutorial for both the rocket and the whole flight to orbit, so you don't need to do any thinking.

Instructions (from Juno Village):
1. Accept the contract.
2. Spawn at the runway, set full throttle
3. DO NOT set time to fast forward. You need to keep the plane under control during takeoff, as i have encountered it suddenly veering off to the left at the very end.
4. Once airborne, pull up and turn right towards the approximate direction of the marker, clearing the mountains. You can keep it at 100% throttle from this point onward, the craft has more than enough fuel to make it.
5. Set your heading to around 125°, give or take. Or try to line it up with the target marker.
6. Your altitude should be between 10 to 20 km, and your speed should be above 200 m/s. Keep it at roughly these levels by setting your pitch upwards to between 15° and 20° (~18° seems to work the best for me). If it doesn't work for you, adjust it until on the nav sphere the green arrow is roughly equal in height to the orange heading circle.
7. Finally, enable fast forward. 10x is preferable and if your device can handle it, as it will take a few minutes to get there. Ignore the minor shaking of the plane, it's just how the autopilot in the game works.
8. Wait until the aircraft reaches within 100km of the location. If you veer off course (deep blue target marker arrow on nav sphere is not aligned with your blue pitch circle) during the trip, then do the necessary course corrections until you are on target.
9. QUICKSAVING HERE IS HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED IF ANYTHING GOES WRONG! Once you reach 100km, set time to normal again, set throttle to 0%, and unlock heading to take manual control. The plane will dive on its own, but keep it under control and level it out so that you are 1km above the surface. Chances are that you will be flying at night time when you get there, so drop below 1km for the ambient lighting to help your visibility (see 2nd picture). Add some throttle if needed, but don't go above 150 m/s.
10. The space center should be to your right, in a roughly 45° angle if we connect an imaginary line to the beacon from both the plane and the space center's port.
11. Once you are in the beacon, DO NOT deploy the chutes (AG2) yet. Fly through it at 0% throttle for now. You should be at a speed of around 100 to 130 m/s.
12. After leaving the beacon a second time, roll and turn to the left sharply, completing a 180° turn to face the beacon again. This will reduce your speed to around 80 m/s.
13. If needed, wiggle the plane up and down by either wagging the mobile joystick up and down, or by spamming W and S (or your preferred keys for pitch) on PC. This should slow you down to around 70 m/s.
14. Once you are inside the beacon and at 70 m/s, enable the parachutes (AG2). This should slow the plane's horizontal speed down until it is on a slow downwards fall via the parachutes. You should hit the water at (just) under 20 m/s as required by the contract.
15. Cheers, you have touched down into the water and completed the contract! I reccommend you hit the Recover button since it gives a 500k recovery bonus, essentially giving you all of your money back (i think) AND the additional 400k from the successful completion of the contract.


  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $552k
  • Number of Parts: 18
  • Dimensions: 2 m x 11 m x 9 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 0N
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 4,017kg
  • Dry Mass: 1,238kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass


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