Launch Pad is now fixed. It can now withstand a lotta heat.

Please read the description before downloading this.

Especially you, Cameron (aka Deep Space Industries)

Tested by Cameron (Deep Space Industries)

What is this?

This is the Delta 24. A bit based on the Delta 10 from Space Agency 2138, it's the first shuttle that I made. It has some solar panels and "Radiators" for it to operate by itself with its astronauts for a long time. It can carry payloads to space via the Payload Bay. It can also bring back payloads to Droo via the Payload Bay. It can have 1 arm, 2 arms that can attach to each other to make one longer arm, or just none at all. It's launched by a Hatch Rocket Variant 2c. It can also dock to a space station using its docking system. It also acts like an airlock. The system can be removed though in cargo-only missions so that the airlock door is directly attached to the shuttle. It also has wings that can unfold and an engine protection system that rotates to position when it nears reentry. If you're asking, yes, it has RCS. (Why wouldn't it have RCS?) It has 6 lights to light up the cargo bay when it's behind Droo's shadow. It also has an antenna to communicate with ground stations. It also has 3 cameras (So that people can see pictures of the cargo bay in space in Droogle (My parody of Google (no, Droogle isn't real, it's made up))) Its rudders are on the side of the wings. Some little rudders are on the Fuel and RCS compartment. And the aft RCS are placed on 3 small fuel tanks. The cockpit is also mostly based on the space shuttle's cockpit.

Activation Groups:



Open or Close Cargo Bay

AG2 and AG3:

Extra AGs for minor payloads


Rotate Engine Heat Shield to reentry position


Unfold Wings (pretty self-explanatory)


Turn the Cargo Bay Lights on or off


Use Slider 1, 2 and 3 to adjust antenna position and orientation


Activate or Disable Wings


Slider 1: Open Airlock (Tip: Invert the Airlock Rotator input)


Activate or Disable the Main Engine


Activate or Disable the Landing Gyro (It's actually not a launch gyro anymore, since the vehicle doesn't lose control anymore at launch)


Slider 1: Joint 1 (Rotate Whole Arm Left and Right)
Slider 2: Joint 2 (Rotate Whole Arm Up and Down)


Slider 1: Joint 3


Slider 1: Joint 4 (Rotate Head Up and Down)
Slider 2: Joint 5 (Rotate Head Left to Right)
Slider 3: Joint 6 (Rotate Head)


Slider 1: Retract Attaching Part on both Ingress Arms and Fairing
Slider 2: Rotate Ingress Arms to Ready for Launch position


Activate Code that will open and jettison the fairing


Doesn't do anything until you make a code activated by that AG.

2nd Arm:


Slider 1: Joint 1 (Rotate Whole Arm Left and Right)
Slider 2: Joint 2 (Rotate Whole Arm Up and Down)


Slider 1: Joint 3


Slider 1: Joint 4 (Rotate Head Up and Down)
Slider 2: Joint 5 (Rotate Head Left to Right)
Slider 3: Joint 6 (Rotate Head)

How to land?

It's simple. Deorbit, Reenter and Survive, aim for the runway, and land. See? Simple.

Seriously, here's how. Close the Solar Panels. Then, set slider 1 to 0% when AG7 is enabled. Disable AG7, then, Disable AG1, and then deorbit a bit more than a quarter orbit before passing the landing site. (If you have an inclination more than 5°, just wait for the moment when the orbit seems to pass the landing site) Enable AG4, AG11 (Keep it on until you land) and AG14 before re-entering the atmosphere. Set the pitch to 75°. On reentry, change the pitch a bit if needed so that you don't overshoot or undershoot. And then, do some maneuvers to make sure you reach the runway and then land to the runway like normal. Deploy the landing gear near the runway, land on the runway, and then set the brakes to 100% immediately after touchdown. Then, voila, you have landed on the runway.

Notes and Tips:

If you wish to put Droods and/or Tourists in it, please color it white. They're colored gold when you take one of them from the part list or assign them to the spacecraft.

Make sure to keep AG11 turned on in the whole landing process (Reentry, Gliding and Landing).

Assign Droods to 1 Space Habitat that can have 2 people (the cockpit) and 3 people (behind the cockpit).

There's a docking module and a habitation module connected to it on the side of the shuttle as an extra. Use it if you want if you don't need to put a payload in it.

The docking port on both arms (and the one attaching the 2nd arm to the shuttle) are at 50% in size, and the docking port on the docking module is at 100% in size. Keep that in mind for when you build space station modules, for when you want to grapple a payload and/or deploy it using a robotic arm and when you want your satellite that won't be launched by the shuttle to be grappled by the shuttle.

The fairing is made using cargo bays so that I could attach an ingress arm to it that can take crew to the shuttle, and a "door".

I named the shuttle "Delta 24" because of the shuttle that I based some parts of the shuttle, and because 24 is my favorite number.

Activate AG19 above 101 km.

You can remove the 2nd arm along with the docking port that connects the arm to the shuttle if you don't want to use it. You can do the same with the other arm by grabbing the first joint and then removing it. Do both so that the shuttle will be armless (aka have no robotic arm). Also this is only if you use the habitation module on the side of the craft as the payload of the shuttle, if you just want to fly it without a payload or if you don't need to grapple anything in your mission with it.

To switch to the 2nd arm, press one of the rotators, and then press the button with the capsule in it, then, press take control, and you're now controlling the 2nd arm.

The 2nd arm will only operate using the shuttle's power, just like the 1st Arm. It can also operate using battery from the thing its docked to.

That's all. Have fun!

Made by a Filipino


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $104,219k
  • Number of Parts: 639
  • Dimensions: 90 m x 20 m x 39 m


  • Total Delta V: 4.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 15.8MN
  • Engines: 13
  • Wet Mass: 1.05E+7kg
  • Dry Mass: 3.18E+5kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 5 151m/s 12.7MN 2.0m 1.05E+7kg
4 2 2.9km/s 2.4MN 3.1m 2.56E+5kg
7 1 1.4km/s 747kN 2.1m 89,648kg

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