I'm proud to bring you the Tesla Roadster 2020. I've been wanting to upload this for weeks, but I wanted to do so with a video. This is part of the BFR 2020 project.
Rear wheels have double torque because the car is supposed to have 1 front 2 rear motor configuration. I tried to match the real battery, power and weight and the acceleration turned out to be quite similar. This looks great in lot's of colors, I encourage you to play with the last row first column color.
The high wet mass is due to using tanks when I shouldn't. I started the car a few days after SR2 launch and had no experience, would love to be able to edit them to be structures but it's not possible now, so I made them empty xenon tanks.
Price is quite high because all 4 wheels cost about 35k each, the spoiler pistons about 20k each and main cpu 50k. If you lower piston costs to 2k each and make front wheels price half of what it is the car would cost 230k$, a closer price to what Musk said.
SPOILER!! In slider 1
- Successors 4 craft(s) +49 bonus
- Created On: Windows
- Game Version:
- Price: $300k
- Number of Parts: 207
- Dimensions: 1 m x 2 m x 4 m
- Total Delta V: 0m/s
- Total Thrust: 0N
- Engines: 0
- Wet Mass: 1,760kg
- Dry Mass: 872kg
Stage | Engines | Delta V | Thrust | Burn | Mass |
- AnotherFireFox 6.2 years ago
- Exospaceman 6.2 years ago
- Chancey21 6.2 years ago
very similar replica in rl, cool...
Surprised by its agility and high top speed for a electric vehicle. Absolutely fantastic.
Added working lights to this. Not too bad.
You even made it electric!
Simpleplanes is already getting old
@MclovinSpace btw, you have a red ludicrous with rcs booster if you prefere
@pedro16797 absolutely!
@MclovinSpace share a link to the video here when its published pls
@MclovinSpace Of course :)
May i use this car for a video, you will get all the credit and a shout out!
@pedro16797 xD
@DemonSniper8 wait for the red version coming next week hahahaha RCS is expensive
And only a $50k markup!
@aircoolbro21 I recommend you the RSS that @AnotherFireFox made
there's also a problem with the game, if you make an up-to-scale rocket then it will be too up-to-scale because it seems as if the world is a lot smaller than it is irl lol
@aircoolbro21 o
oh and thanks @pedro16797
alright thx @AnotherFireFox, if you want to chat on discord add me @aircoolbro21#4611 but for today I gtg (oh and @Creeperslayerz I put this roadster into orbit plenty of times when testing my Falcon 9 payload capacity btw)
@pedro16797 still didn't put it into orbit... :)
Yes, if you want to match engine stats and fuel density to real rockets to match real life dV, I can help you @aircoolbro21 ;)
@aircoolbro21 you can use this to start and modify it, I don't mind if you do so. @AnotherFireFox is interested in realistic rockets, I don't know if there's a RSS F9 block 5 already
@pedro16797 all I really need is some body work, I'm fine with the mechanical stuff and painting, but it also needs to be about the same size as this one as their relatively the same size irl, and this one conveniently fits in my falcon 9/heavy faring ontop my up-to-scale falcon 9, although I am working on making my Falcon 9 not be able to get to orbit in the first stage yet still be able to put 22,800 kg into orbit, even though I have not made my falcon heavy yet (because I'm still working out the quirks of my Falcon 9) these projects normally take a while anyway so it wouldn't be that bad developing a Tesla roadster classic as a side project, I will soon have my Falcon 9 block 5 completely ready and posted then I will start working on the Falcon Heavy. but yeah all I really need help with is the body work, headlights, etc. basically everything aesthetic, thx Pedro!
@aircoolbro21 btw, I'll be releasing the high tear version (the one in the video) next week :)
@aircoolbro21 FOR SURE! It was nice to know that someone was interested in this even when the roadster was half a car. I can help you with your roadster version, what do you need?
hey, it was awesome to help (if i even helped a bit)
@Creeperslayerz well, you can watch the video if you want, I won't spoil it