Auto Credit Based on Bielzinho767's ISR350-200 OLD


Introducing the ISR350-200 Lite: Optimized Performance

The ISR350-200 Lite is an optimized version of the acclaimed ISR350-200 aircraft, designed to deliver enhanced performance. Let's explore the features that set the ISR350-200 Lite apart from the original model:


Reduced Parts to Improve FPS:

The ISR350-200 Lite underwent a reduction in the number of parts in order to improve FPS performance during flight. This optimization allows for a smoother flight experience, ensuring a more stable and enjoyable frame rate.


Decreased Resources and Effects:

In order to improve overall performance, several features and effects have been reduced or removed. The smoke generated by the tires during landing, the effect of flapping the wings and certain parts of the copilot's side of the cockpit, such as the dashboard and the chair, were removed in order to try to provide an optimized FPS performance.


Improvements to Flaps and Stability:

The ISR350-200 Lite features improved flaps, ensuring a more accurate and stable response during takeoff and landing. Flap optimization contributes to better stability when the flaps are down, allowing for more precise takeoff and landing maneuvers.


Changes to Flaps:

Specific changes were implemented in the flap system of the ISR350-200 Lite, with the aim of further improving its performance. These modifications were carefully designed to optimize the aircraft's aerodynamic efficiency, ensuring more precise control during critical phases of flight.


The ISR350-200 Lite is an ideal choice for those looking for more optimized performance. With the reduction of parts and resources, improvements in flaps and specific changes to improve the FPS, this version provides a more fluid and satisfying flight experience, maintaining the quality and reliability characteristics associated with the ISR350-200 family.


  • Predecessor: ISR350-200 OLD
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $166,706k
  • Number of Parts: 864
  • Dimensions: 16 m x 64 m x 64 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 300N
  • Engines: 7
  • Wet Mass: 1.93E+5kg
  • Dry Mass: 80,611kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass

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