Commsat V4 is a communication satellite with 5 ton of mass. using dual group of solar array, totally, having 4 group solar panel for increase generated power.

These satellite just using electric propulsion for gives more longer burn time and Delta V.
During testing of this craft, elga sent these satellite to 18.000 km apoapsis first, then elga ignite ion engine and repating battery charging with many times, until getting 250 km periapsis into 13.200 km periapsis. then, elga gives command to these craft for retrograde burn for decrease apoapsis from 18.000 km onto 13.200 km for getting circullar orbit 13.200 km x 13.200 km (altitude synchronization). look like convert GTO orbit became GEO/GSO orbit

Notes :
- throotle down -100 % for slider 1
- throotle up 100 % for slider 2
- throotle down -100 % for slider 3 then activate all AG (activation group)
- elga select 18.000 km of altitude for make ion engine little more agile, due more further gives fewer gravity effect (during designing and testing this craft)


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.924.0
  • Price: $7,815k
  • Number of Parts: 218
  • Dimensions: 8 m x 4 m x 3 m


  • Total Delta V: 23.0km/s
  • Total Thrust: 140N
  • Engines: 7
  • Wet Mass: 5,587kg
  • Dry Mass: 5,255kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 7 23.0km/s 140N 8.48days 5,587kg

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