The last Low Droo Orbit crewed infrastructure I have not shared up to this point. The Serenity is a very small pathfinder outpost composed of repurposed Vroz orbital modules and a connector cylinder for extra volume, with space for 4 droods.

Amenities include:

  • Forward port, suitable for docking the Two Crew Capsule
  • Side (brown) port, suitable for docking the Type 104 Spaceplane (handy graphic in the gallery)
    -Cupola on lower Vroz module
    -Extensive power and propellant reserves for manuvering and RCS system
  • Functional cabin lights

In short, the Serenity is a neat little orbiting outpost, as long as you ignore the occasional bad smell of the ancient climate control system. And the tendency to overheat. And the strange gyro oscillations. And the scuffs on the porthole. It's only been lightly used!
(this vehicle is not vanilla due to the use of a custom engine for the Kappa found here, but replacing it with the vanilla Kappa blueprint should be fine.)
Have Fun!


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:
  • Price: $23,497k
  • Number of Parts: 66
  • Dimensions: 33 m x 4 m x 4 m


  • Total Delta V: 5.5km/s
  • Total Thrust: 2.9MN
  • Engines: 7
  • Wet Mass: 90,536kg
  • Dry Mass: 20,923kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 3 2.5km/s 2.5MN 60s 90,536kg
2 2 2.3km/s 336kN 2.2m 27,610kg
3 2 677m/s 5kN 17.2m 9,253kg


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