This is a quick, New Shepard style suborbital rocket that is fully Vizzy scripted from countdown, to propulsive landing.

Unfortunately, I had to prioritise the booster landing over the capsule, so it is expended each flight (if player controlled, it can totally land under parachute, but that sacrifices the booster, which is cooler)

The booster will tumble violently at around 25km, but has strong reaction wheels and will quickly recover.

I though this was going to be something I could throw together in less than 10 minutes, but apparently not! It took about 20 test flights to nail the landing, and another 10 or so until it would land without falling over.

I apologise for the tumbling, but there's not much I can do about it. Maybe I'll fix it in a future version...

The next time you see me using Vizzy, I'll be building a similar craft that can go to orbit and back, maybe even deploying a payload! Anyhow, have fun, and definitely give me any feedback you have. Enjoy!

P.S. All scripting was done by myself. I've had a look at other people's suicide burn scripts and they are MAD! I wouldn't know where to start on something that complex, but I think this is a good start, so maybe one day I will be able to make things like that. If you would like to use the script from this craft (what for I don't have a clue, as it's pretty specialised for this exact mission) go ahead. Just credit me please.

Also, what do you think about my new way of making a copper colour. I think it's pretty cool!


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.8.402.0
  • Price: $2,083k
  • Number of Parts: 24
  • Dimensions: 13 m x 3 m x 3 m


  • Total Delta V: 3.1km/s
  • Total Thrust: 261kN
  • Engines: 1
  • Wet Mass: 12,730kg
  • Dry Mass: 4,858kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 1 3.1km/s 261kN 1.6m 12,730kg

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