My Tianhe core cabin, Tianzhou cargo spacecraft, and Shenzhou spacecraft need to be used together to build a space station. If other sizes are used for docking ports, they will not be able to be docked.

This is a manned spacecraft modeled on the design of the Chinese Shenzhou spacecraft. It has a three-cabin structure that can be docked with the core capsule of the Tianhe and send up to 3 astronauts to the Chinese space station.

On the top of it is the orbital module. The orbital module is a place for astronauts to eat and clean. I designed a toilet that does not have actual functions, a set of kitchen utensils that do not have actual functions, and the green package on the shelf. The package is set as food for the astronauts, but in the game, it does not have actual functions. Outside the orbital module, there are patch solar panels on both sides, which can provide electricity when the orbital module continues to run on orbit after the orbital module is separated from the return module. The orbital module is equipped with 16 attitude nozzles for attitude adjustment during independent operation. Above it, there is a docking lighting device that can be raised. The front end of the orbital module is a large docking port, which can be docked with the space station, and the back end is a small docking port, which is connected to the return module and can be separated from the return module after receiving instructions.

The middle part is the return capsule, which is shaped like a bell. Inside is the astronaut's cockpit, which can carry 3 astronauts. In front of the astronaut is a set of flight control display system, which can realize the corresponding functions by setting the program. A set of main parachute and a set of backup parachute are built in the return cabin. The return cabin also has a precise attitude control system with 8 attitude nozzles, which are mainly used for attitude control when the return cabin re-enters the atmosphere. The bottom of the return cabin is an insulated outsole, which can isolate the violent combustion of the spacecraft when it reenters the atmosphere.

At the bottom of the spacecraft is the propulsion cabin. The propulsion cabin is equipped with 4 main engines and can work for 10 minutes. The vacuum thrust-to-weight ratio is about 1.05:1. It is mainly used for orbit adjustment before docking and de-orbit after separation. The propulsion cabin also has 8 coarse attitude control nozzles and 16 precise attitude control nozzles, which are mainly used to adjust the attitude when docking. At the front end of the propulsion cabin is a separator connected to the return cabin. There are two solar wings on both sides of the propulsion cabin, which are mainly used to provide electricity to the spacecraft.

Please note that because the orbital module interface needs to cooperate with the design of the space station, the actual size of this spacecraft is larger than the actual size. Therefore, it can only be launched using the Long March 2F rocket I specially designed. works.

If you need to use this work for creation, please indicate the author, thank you.


  • Successors 1 craft(s)
  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version: 0.9.703.1
  • Price: $23,982k
  • Number of Parts: 950
  • Dimensions: 11 m x 4 m x 4 m


  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 80kN
  • Engines: 7
  • Wet Mass: 7,745kg
  • Dry Mass: -24,626kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 0 0m/s 0N 0s 4,743kg


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