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    The star that you can even get into a low orbit on, you give it S tier? I don’t get how B tier was like you ‘idk’ tier. I get it as far as the most one off thing you could imagine but at this point what is interactive to the gamer should be big check marks : atmosphere, thickness and altitude, elevation above/below the sea level (eg, cylero crater, 24km below, from memory) , there’s surface features, water, canyon, craters and then for some you could discuss the depth of the seas for those who boat and swim. Then I would give one check to visual expression. Also it’s the newer players that actually take away multiple bits of game usable data, so just cus your board with a certain planets try to use a newer players perspective. You have a good iceberg video voice!

    one year ago
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    @BeastHunter true

    +1 one year ago
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    Oh gosh bud. You must try to find different music please. Lol . I know you can . I love the video. Just can't get to far because the music chosen only . And then with how everything is set for video. ,,. Just helping.. I personally am horrible at videos. But I'm good at watching others lol

    1.2 years ago
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    13.7k Vedhaspace

    if you want to explore terrain without launching a rocket, go to planet studio, load the terrestrial body and spawn a rover there.

    1.3 years ago
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    2,929 BeastHunter

    I completely disagree with every word you have said about Droo.

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    2,177 Luckwut


    +1 1.3 years ago


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