What a mouthful to say the full name: MortanBonus Spectralis-Diabolis-Unapidas Trinary System.
Either way, SDU is my most high-quality system out of all of the MortanBonus ones.

Here, you'll find the aforementioned 3 stars, as well some planets and moons. Some of my favorites ones are: Elipso, gas gaint in Spectralis' habitable zone, with the habitable Katarso as a moon; Senek, a Hot Jupiter with the firey hot moon of Huroves allowing for amazing views; Heskar, a cross between a warm Venusian world and a tropical semi-habitable world; and also many more stuff for you to explore.

Of course, due to being a trinary system, star light is not even distributed and so planetary bodies only actually recieve light from Spectralis. This was inspired by systems that have been posted, but still, no plagiarism intended as always.

-and yes, before you ask, the orbit validator made this an absolute pain to upload.


  • Successors 1 post(s)
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.802.0


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Spectralis 192.5 Mm 379.1 m/s - -
Elipso Spectralis 4,522 km 48.7 m/s 26,686.6 Mm 26,401.3 Mm
Dothma Elipso 133 km 22.2 m/s 28,971 km 28,914 km
Katarso Elipso 729 km 9.3 m/s 83,004 km 79,985 km
Denko Katarso 100 km 1.7 m/s 5,688 km 4,617 km
Ceritia Elipso 482 km 5.0 m/s 154.2 Mm 132.6 Mm
Diabolis Spectralis 154.5 Mm 304.3 m/s 93,151.3 Mm 92,965.1 Mm
Senek Diabolis 15,852 km 28.0 m/s 1,773.7 Mm 1,558.7 Mm
Huroves Senek 821 km 8.4 m/s 29,221 km 29,163 km
Orega Diabolis 583 km 6.4 m/s 9,450.4 Mm 9,106.6 Mm
Hangul Diabolis 980 km 8.6 m/s 26,357.6 Mm 26,075.4 Mm
Vitrimunda Hangul 382 km 2.8 m/s 6,036 km 6,024 km
Unapidas Spectralis 95,982 km 189.0 m/s 189,325.2 Mm 188,946.9 Mm
Sedrema Unapidas 823 km 7.4 m/s 2,809.2 Mm 1,871.4 Mm
Heskar Unapidas 1,173 km 7.9 m/s 5,318.5 Mm 4,756.6 Mm
Zibare Unapidas 18,500 km 35.0 m/s 10,261.9 Mm 9,888.5 Mm
Mirotis Zibare 44 km 0.8 m/s 64,007 km 45,027 km
Katon Zibare 194 km 0.9 m/s 94,922 km 81,239 km


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    4,030 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed only job: fix the rings of vitrimunda

    2.5 years ago
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    4,030 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed ok

    2.5 years ago
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    23.6k Zenithspeed

    yes, i'll be working on MortanBonus 1.3 versions too

    2.5 years ago
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    4,030 PZLAgencies

    @Zenithspeed Mortan 1.3 is now out!

    2.5 years ago
  • Profile image
    23.6k Zenithspeed

    oh yeah i think i know why
    one of the celestial bodies (Vitrimunda) uses a ring texture which i know is buggy, once i have time i'll upload a fixed version

    2.5 years ago
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    4,030 PZLAgencies

    Can’t download this for a reason. An error happened while downloading the system.

    2.5 years ago

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