Auto Credit Based on BluBallSimplePlaneRocket's Sol System

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Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Sun 139.1 Mm 274.0 m/s - -
Mercury Sun 350 km 1.6 m/s 22,704.7 Mm 14,074.8 Mm
Venus Sun 1,036 km 7.0 m/s 37,174.6 Mm 37,100.4 Mm
Earth Sun 1,274 km 9.8 m/s 53,027.0 Mm 52,921.0 Mm
Moon Earth 350 km 1.6 m/s 144.0 Mm 143.7 Mm
Mars Sun 678 km 7.0 m/s 80,245.5 Mm 80,085.2 Mm
Asteroid floating in orbit between Mars and Jupiter Sun 23 km 0.4 m/s 111,975.6 Mm 95,241.8 Mm
Jupiter Sun 14,000 km 24.8 m/s 192,261.3 Mm 191,877.2 Mm
Saturn Sun 14,000 km 24.8 m/s 289,248.9 Mm 288,671.0 Mm
Uranus Sun 5,112 km 9.0 m/s 500,500.0 Mm 499,500.0 Mm
Neptune Sun 5,112 km 9.0 m/s 703,289.6 Mm 701,884.4 Mm
Pluto Sun 350 km 1.6 m/s 1,246,428.3 Mm 753,571.7 Mm
Nemesis Sun 14,000 km 24.8 m/s 1,598,424.3 Mm 401,575.7 Mm
Nibiru Nemesis 1,274 km 9.8 m/s 316.2 Mm 315.5 Mm
Planet Nine Nemesis 5,112 km 9.0 m/s 30,496.6 Mm 30,435.6 Mm


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    8,944 Hyperant

    @BluBallSimplePlaneRocket oh ok

    5 months ago
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    @AK5Z Sorry, this system isn't meant to be very realistic solar system just a simple test

    5 months ago
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    8,944 Hyperant

    What happened to the moons of the Jovian planets? Nibiru and Nemesis aren't planets of the Sol system.

    8 months ago
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    0 Adress

    And theres a problem,the Earth is tidaly locked by the sun it doesn't rotating.

    +3 1.3 years ago
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    0 Adress

    @ariyan True dude,I realize how how hard it is in real world to get into space😂

    1.3 years ago
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    0 ariyan

    It's great🤩♥️, but it's not easy to get out of the Earth's atmosphere🥲

    +3 1.6 years ago


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