A recreation of the Ordearus System, originally intended to be bundled with Mortan 1.2 but could not due to issues with the orbit validator.
Ordearus finally has some decent quality in it, including the beautiful Hyperborea, or the enourmous Valkiriya with some interesting moons, including 2 which are grazing its atmosphere. There's also the mysterious Borhurr coming from a whole different world, and the molten brown rock that is Ozimuro.
Ordearus definetely trades the amount of planets for a mildly better overall user experience.

NOTE: Banol has buggy terrain, you may phase through it, i reccommend not landing there until this issue is fixed.


  • Successors 1 post(s)
  • Created On: iOS
  • Game Version: 0.9.802.0


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Ordearus 24,428 km 48.1 m/s - -
Ozimuro Ordearus 448 km 4.9 m/s 2,063.8 Mm 1,945.6 Mm
Hyperborea Ordearus 1,032 km 7.8 m/s 18,767.1 Mm 18,566.2 Mm
Ziromell Hyperborea 427 km 2.0 m/s 16,151 km 15,093 km
Borhurr Ordearus 45 km 0.9 m/s 41,688.1 Mm 10,806.8 Mm
Valkiriya Ordearus 64,225 km 78.1 m/s 65,732.9 Mm 65,587.0 Mm
Falkena Valkiriya 244 km 4.4 m/s 83,505 km 83,503 km
Helixon Valkiriya 138 km 2.4 m/s 111.2 Mm 111.0 Mm
Banol Valkiriya 253 km 1.2 m/s 8,446.6 Mm 3,454.8 Mm
Kirono Valkiriya 94 km 1.6 m/s 17,171.7 Mm 6,298.9 Mm
Kevtoro Valkiriya 548 km 5.7 m/s 17,351.7 Mm 16,569.7 Mm

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