Straight to the point, you're our best captain. You're the only droon in history to get to Pluudos on their first training session. Which is why we're putting you in charge of the first interstellar mission in history. You're tasked with exploring a system that we know barely anything about, except for the fact there's a highly habitable planet somewhere in there. We'll give you a great ship, and a crew of your own. Each one of you is assigned a planet to name and investigate. You set up shop, grab data, and go into cryosleep. Once everyone is asleep, we stop by to grab you and the data.

You leave tomorrow. Say your goodbyes, and your goodnight.
Good luck.


  • Created On: Android
  • Game Version:


Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Ragnarim 139.1 Mm 274.0 m/s - -
Bacchus Ragnarim 180 km 6.0 m/s 1,641.4 Mm 1,577.1 Mm
Later Lethe Ragnarim 800 km 9.0 m/s 11,777.8 Mm 11,032.9 Mm
Clem Later Lethe 100 km 2.5 m/s 3,679 km 3,441 km
Aurum Later Lethe 234 km 4.0 m/s 14,784 km 13,877 km
Moloch Ragnarim 400 km 2.0 m/s 100,896.6 Mm 97,316.9 Mm
Thermite Moloch 180 km 3.0 m/s 4,383 km 4,374 km
Pathos Ragnarim 60,000 km 102.9 m/s 277,445.2 Mm 269,485.0 Mm
Praiar Pathos 700 km 6.0 m/s 90,489 km 88,370 km
Qennoch Pathos 900 km 7.0 m/s 393.3 Mm 334.0 Mm
Aphett Pathos 500 km 4.0 m/s 3,896.7 Mm 3,476.1 Mm
Strate Ragnarim 54 km 2.7 m/s 720,701.4 Mm 719,261.4 Mm


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    3,909 Vee

    @chillymations hehe yeah, it's one of my favorite planets along with it's moons :)

    +1 one month ago
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    Pluudos reference ?!?!

    one month ago
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    3,909 Vee

    sidenote: I've found many underlying issues, and I've found the ways to solve them but I'd like to leave that for a complete revamp in the upcoming versions.

    one month ago
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    3,909 Vee

    I recommend 0 star brightness and high atmosphere graphics as some settings :p

    one month ago
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    9,256 Hyperant


    +1 one month ago


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