Welcome to The Kelvin System! located 43.82 light years away, is the home to more than 45 celestial bodies, the star in the middle is called Kelvin and the main planets are called: Copper, Hades, Neptunia, Boreas, Aphrodite, Apollo and Edmont, I'm sure it's difficult to reach all of them and their moons, wanna try?

V2.61 changes:
- Added 11 new celestial bodies: Electricus, Atmosphere, 31102910 Delta, Gray, Tharium, 18093012 Bana-na, Aphrodite, Thor, The Mother Comet, Lil' Nugget & The Ringed Comet
- Added clouds to Copper
- Modified Neptunia's Color Bands layers colors
- Size of Neptunia's rings changed
- Modified Hades' description
- Kelvin's Star Flare Color made more orange

1) I was going to add a binary system of moons orbiting Aphrodite, but as this delayed a lot the loading of version 2.61, this system was only removed, from the full version and this one.

2) This update will be divided into three parts: this version, 4.0 and 5.0, because, my friends, you cannot imagine the complexity of this system.


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Name Parent Radius Surface Gravity Apoapsis Periapsis
Kelvin 75,000 km 50.0 m/s - -
Copper Kelvin 4,895 km 4.7 m/s 7,939.7 Mm 7,624.2 Mm
Hades Kelvin 12,780 km 9.9 m/s 13,020.4 Mm 12,897.6 Mm
Electricus Hades 750 km 0.3 m/s 69,205 km 68,185 km
Proton Hades 1,050 km 1.3 m/s 333.2 Mm 326.2 Mm
Neptunia Kelvin 17,500 km 18.8 m/s 27,629.0 Mm 27,221.8 Mm
Atmosphere Neptunia 35 km 0.6 m/s 24,011 km 23,963 km
Ligia Neptunia 1,000 km 3.1 m/s 388.3 Mm 377.6 Mm
Orion Neptunia 380 km 1.8 m/s 792.1 Mm 731.1 Mm
Boreas Kelvin 1,050 km 5.0 m/s 48,328.2 Mm 45,229.2 Mm
Magma Boreas 150 km 0.5 m/s 7,406 km 5,300 km
31102910 Delta Kelvin 20 km 0.3 m/s 59,858.3 Mm 59,858.2 Mm
Gray Kelvin 825 km 1.2 m/s 95,364.0 Mm 74,463.5 Mm
Tharium Gray 200 km 0.6 m/s 128.2 Mm 123.3 Mm
18093012 Bana-na Kelvin 12 km 1.3 m/s 102,072.4 Mm 101,868.5 Mm
Aphrodite Kelvin 30,311 km 19.9 m/s 180,277.1 Mm 179,917.0 Mm
Thor Aphrodite 470 km 3.6 m/s 891.1 Mm 861.2 Mm
Mother Comet Kelvin 58 km 1.0 m/s 382,390.8 Mm 74,960.7 Mm
Lil' Nugget Mother Comet 7,500 m 0.1 m/s 3,277 km 2,112 km
Hyalus Comet Kelvin 50 km 0.9 m/s 1,147,844.8 Mm 52,267.9 Mm
Ringed Comet Kelvin 60 km 1.0 m/s 1,733,949.4 Mm 22,537.6 Mm


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    And in the next update of The Kelvin System: The Asteroids Belts Update - V3.0!

    Pinned 28 days ago
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    @MAVESPACE Thanks, but... i'm still not done with it... if you understand me... 😏

    25 days ago
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    Un système stellaire exotique

    +1 26 days ago


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