Hello, so I haven't uploaded so crafts this month... and that's because I'll upload a huge craft, which could have easily 300 parts, but it will not be one craft uploaded, there will be lots of cool crafts uploaded at once.

All of them will be historic...

And that's it, thanks.


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    @AstronautPlanes I Found a V-2 Missile which is Highly Detailed(Even Have Found A9 and A10)you Could make your own to the public because what i found is unlisted.

    +1 5.2 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AstronautPlanes Es curioso porque he visto algunas naves con más de mil piezas ir bien en mi portátil, y no es que sea muy potente, tengo ganas de ver que tal funciona en móvil

    5.2 years ago
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    21.0k Rafaele

    @pedro16797 Voy a intentar usar no tantas partes para que sea mas compatible con los computadores medios penca...

    5.2 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @AstronautPlanes pregúntale a @Exospaceman cuántas tiene su Saturn V o a @mjdfx150529 las del rover jajajajaja
    Si son realistas la verdad es que va a tener bastante mérito que lo consigas con 300 partes, es algo en lo que me estoy preocupando bastante últimamente, como aprovechar las partes que tenemos para conseguir realismo con el menor número de partes posibles

    5.2 years ago
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    21.0k Rafaele

    @pedro16797 Eso es mucho :v

    5.2 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    I'll love to see them, but 300 doesn't seem like a lot of parts, did you mean 3000?

    5.2 years ago
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    21.0k Rafaele

    And they will be...

    The Saturn 1B...
    The U-2 spy plane...
    And... a ultra detailed V-2 missile...

    5.2 years ago
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    5.2 years ago


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