Gretings fellow SimpleRocketeers! I have a couple of questions. Is there a rocket part that I can use as a landing gear door without having to use the whole cargo bay part?

I am also not sure how to use RCS, either the stock part or the RCS hub that you can download.

Also, are there any redit posts or Youtube channels I can use for tutorials? I have tried watching KSP videos but I never played KSP and I would love to see some videos specifically on SR2.

Thank you all!



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    5,251 14ROVI

    for landing gear i have just put a wheel on the end of a piston, use the translare and rotate too a bit and increase the piston extension length to maz. boom, extendable landing gear!

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    6,278 Pjork

    You also need to press "T" to get into "Translation Mode" while using RCS

    +1 6.1 years ago
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    16.0k Mod

    No, not yet.

    Make sure you have some monoprop fuel, and you need to turn on RCS when you are in space. There is a transitional mode that lets you use RCS to move forwards and side to side and stuff instead of turning.

    Not very many tutorials as of right now, just the ingame one. Best tutorials you can get right now are probably the KSP tutorials for stuff.

    Shameless SimpleRockets Chat Plug.

    There are some very helpful people there. :)

    +3 6.1 years ago


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