This tutorial applies for landing bays inside of the craft. So you want to make a spaceship where other space ship can land in? Leaving it empty or making a door with cargo bays or with rotators isn’t looking good?
You can fix this with Methalox engines and 1 activation group! First of all, if you do not have XML editing software I suggest you go and get some. If you are on android download Solid Explorer, if you already have it you’re fine. If your on iOS there’s a solution for you aswell, there’s probably a space ship on the trending page of the website that contains lasers in them. Download the craft and harvest the engines and make it a subassembly. Load your craft you want the landing bay to be in, find the area of the edges of the cargo bay (horizontal) and place a fuel tank there (fuel isn’t required I think, it just needs somewhere to be placed) Mess with the proportions until it’s the same thickness of the edges of the cargo bay and make it short, after this place the laser engine subassembly on the fuel tank. Add a activation group to it so you can turn it on and off. If the engines fuel tank is not Methalox then change it, duplicate this part until it covers 1 whole side of the edge of the cargo bay, test it if the lasers long enough to reach the other side, if it isn’t increase it’s size by tinker panel or engine editing tab, or you can duplicate that array on the other side to make it more opaque. If you have a blue transparent mist covering the hole for the cargo bay then you have done this process correctly.

Happy space travels!


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