What I've run into here since the last update is that when orbiting a space plane/shuttle type spacecraft, RCS does not work. I have a shuttle type craft with delta shaped stabilizer and a canard type wing up near the nose cone. In the atmosphere I have normal roll, pitch and yaw as the control surfaces move. In space, the control surfaces move while the RCS jets "fire", but I have no 3 axis control. The RCS jets are moving and firing but the shuttle does not change its attitude. It's as though the software says "you have an airplane in orbit and it can't change attitude because there is no air for the control surfaces to bite into". The RCS is ignored. I found a work around in that I added wings to the tips of the stabilizers and moved those wing tips up to where my canard wing would be. Upon doing that, I have RCS axis control in space. Back in the atmosphere, on re-entry, axis control isn't quite as good and the glide to landing is a bit rough have pitch and yaw oscillation.


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