Most of the population lives underground because of the antarian threat but the rest is the same.there is still some towns but those are abandoned


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    4,182 4di

    @Cubantech waos, i got a similar roleplay

    one month ago
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    2,840 Cubantech

    Yea in mid 2023 a war happened between the republic of juno and the federation of new ankalia resulting in a nuclear winter but the system is set in 2132 and new towns are bieng built @4di

    one month ago
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    4,182 4di

    Why are some cities abandoned? Did some major event happen, such as a large-scale war or a nuclear war, that affected the droods so much that their civilization receded and they were forced to live on the underground? or would it just be Droo only hundreds of years in the future...I need a lore that leads to that drood lifestyle.

    one month ago
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    731 MAVEX2000

    D'où proviennent les antarienne?

    one month ago
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    2,840 Cubantech

    Kinda interesting idea

    one month ago
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    2,639 Aludra877

    I guess that is wise, but its wiser if they burrow deeper to further cement their existence and demolish the towns for resources

    one month ago


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