I’m just wondering if this game could, or can be released on mobile? I have a PC but would love it on my mobile device!

Ps: will there be XML modding and all that stuff?

Thank you! And have a great day!



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    Thank you @ThePilotDude

    6.0 years ago
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    1,015 ThePilotDude

    Assuming SR2 uses the same save format as SP(or at least uses .xml files, idk why they wouldn't) then yes, you can XML mod

    6.0 years ago
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    Thank you, and sorry I haven’t really looked at the forum area. Better late than never! @Exospaceman

    6.0 years ago
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    7,196 Exospaceman

    This question have been responded many times. Yes it will be on mobile but not till next year.

    6.0 years ago


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