Like the title, how do you get more activation groups?



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    559 PNSXK

    OK thanks, im on mobile btw@sacr3dbac0n0

    2.3 years ago
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    4,663 sacr3dbac0n0

    XML editing on PC. Make an AG group with a distinct name, go to the craft's XML in Appdata>Local Low, open it and search for that word in the XML. Find the line for AGs and just a new one by adding its name to where it has the AGs in " " and adding true/false to the end of that line also inside " ". Make sure to use Notepad and save the file when done.

    2.3 years ago
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    21.7k Zenithspeed

    i don't know exactly how to, but here's Pedro's one that has 30 AG's (it also used to have 50 paint slots however it seems to have been patched)

    2.4 years ago

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