i'm not sure if this is the right forum to post this on, buuut the reply system on the blog and the forums is completely broken. Say i make a comment. Got that? Ive made a comment, the comment is a question on something (i don't know maybe the answer to life? its forty-two for any of you wondering, and i actually read the book!!) now some well established person on the forums or blogs decides to be nice to me (this should be everyone mind you) and gives me a nice big FAT reply. What i now have to do is as follows; scroll down the WHOLE dang entire post and try find my big FAT juicy reply. there is an alternative which is to press ctrl+f but if i'm looking at someone else's comment and i wanna see who replied to them then i have to go through each and every one of there comments.

SO, what i propose is that someone starts workin on putting in a HALF decent reply system. Literally everything else is fine: the upvoting? check. The actual comments? check. followers? even that CHECK. But replies, well it speaks for it self (if not let me explain 3/10 for replies it works.... barely).

tl;dr (lazy jerk >:( ) reply system = bad. fix it pls.



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    ok i overemphasized as a joke, but i like to read through what people comment and its just an annoyance to have to find the andrewgarrison/joshman/bmcclory/other people reply.

    5.8 years ago
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    502 JoshMan

    I'm with @Bmcclory on this one, but you kinda have a point. I would like to see a direct link to the original in a text embedded in the comment. But by no means is the system "broken" or less than half decent. You also have to remember they're making a game too.

    5.8 years ago
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    @Bmcclory the reply dosent stay next to the comment

    5.8 years ago

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