Ever want to get away from all the politics and just build some high quality things with a tight community? Then take a look at FINE, or Future Is Now Engineering, Where quality and creativity meet.

FINE is a core of engineers who mix efficiency with their own personal style and creativity to make high quality builds

Instead of focusing on global politics, we at FINE focus on bringing quality builds to all. As a result, FINE requires no allegiance to get out a lot of what we have to offer!

What do we have to offer?
Well I'm glad you asked!

Join a supportive community of engineers ready to take your craft to the next level! Even if you just have a design you want to get off the ground, we can help!

Already have a ship you're proud to call your own? You can submit it to our engineering board to get it approved for meeting or exceeding our goals of quality and creativity we set here at FINE.

You will be the trusted members of FINE. Work on whatever you'd like and make it an offical FINE ship! If you ever get stuck in what to make, you'll have access to a list of types of ships that we'd like to see your take on.
This is the only position that requires any form of allegiance, and even then, you can still work for whomever you wish in addition to this

Registration links are here!
click here to get started!


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    Oof, I joined.

    +1 5.9 years ago
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    502 JoshMan

    @MrTaco yeah for sure. This group will tend to try and stay out of politics as a whole, but individuals are free to do whatever

    5.9 years ago
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    328 MrTaco

    May I still be involved in politics if I join? I tend to be one of those people that are very involved with political news.

    5.9 years ago
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    502 JoshMan

    @Caveman999 All in!

    5.9 years ago
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    im in@JoshMan

    5.9 years ago
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    502 JoshMan

    I know it's a bit preemptive, but might as well get some ideas going before the game comes out

    5.9 years ago


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