Don't even know how I caused this. Taking off in the Station Mod2 rocket, when I get up to a few hundred meters, my rocket seems to teleport back to the launch pad, but keep its rotation and velocity. The craft acts like normal on the map view, and the altitude indicator shows me constantly climibing. There are errors relating to the CoM drift, which are pictured in the second screenshot. Also the thing randomly explodes, which it never used to do.

Bug Done Found in Fixed in
Sandbox View


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    Let me know if you see this one again in

    5.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @AndrewGarrison station mod2 is on the launch pad as of the sandbox save, unless that's broken too.... I'll try disabling the mod in a bit.

    5.6 years ago
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    Thanks for the bug report. I'm having trouble reproducing this issue, but I don't have the Station Mod2 craft to test this out. I do have the station-core craft. It explodes nicely as soon as it receives control inputs, but no teleportation. Also, just out of curiosity, have you seen this issue with your mod disabled? I'm sure it's very unlikely to be related, but I was just curious.

    5.6 years ago


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