Essentially, I think there could be more variety of astronauts and such.

One idea I have is an astronaut that can explore under water.

This can be called the Deep Sea Diver or whatever

These astronauts can swim andfloat``` in water and are equipped with flippers, a snorkel, and an oxygen tank.

These scuba “astronauts” do not have a jet pack or a tether, since that doesn’t make sense for a scuba diver to have those things.

This allows for players to create underwater bases, since the regular astronauts cannot swim or float, which makes sense as their suits are very heavy.

Additionally the Deep Sea Diver should be able to see clearly underwater, without the weird wavy water affect that occurs when the camera is underwater.

Another astronaut variety is an astronaut with a parachute equipped.

This astronaut has a parachute instead of a jet pack, and looks similar to sky diving equipment I suppose.

The parachute could be activated using a staging or AG, depending on what the player set it to.

The size of the parachute can be edited with the same size as a parachute, maybe smaller.

This astronaut can be used in planes, in which the astronaut can be ejected from the plane and activate their parachute.

This makes it a lot more simpler than these complicated ejection seats I’ve seen around.

This astronaut variety could have a tether, but that’s up to you.

Possibly an option to toggle on/off the tether

This isn’t a new astronaut variety, however I still think that it is a good one.

Add flashlights to the astronauts! For the regular astronaut, the flashlight can be put on the astronauts helmet or chest.

Obviously the flashlight won’t be crazily powerful, however it will produce light and use up some energy. Which is why the astronaut should also have a battery or something like that attached to the suit.

This is also the same for my Parachuter Astronaut idea.

This is more important for the Deep Sea Diver variety since it is difficult to see in space.

If I think of any more astronaut varieties I’ll update this and post it here

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