I suggest that the current craft used in Landing Practice challenge is removed and replaced with a craft I have made with the intent of replacing it. My craft is fully vanilla (no tinker, xml file editing, major clipping, ect.) , low part and very mobile friendly and easy to use for a challenge intended for beginner players.

The craft can be found here: Simple Lander

This should be the first of several flight challenge remakes I propose.
I hope that you as the community and Jundroo team agree with my suggestion and upvote to increase the indicated interest and visibility of the suggestion.
Thankyou heaps.

Suggestion Submitted


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    2,407 Tarian

    @AreszX Not practical if it where an actual mission, ugly, engine not tuned or in anyway suited for a lunar decent and overall its just a rough bombshell that needs replacement. I am adapting a more complex version of my one to see if I can use it to be a resupply to the moon base or deploy small rovers or science experiments.

    +3 3.2 years ago
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    3,490 ReyzXlol

    This is true,the current craft is not too practical to be honest for a landing pratice on Luna .

    +2 3.2 years ago


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