I know that adding multiplayer into this kind of game would be somewhat difficult, but this was one of the most requested things in KSP and could really add some interesting things into the game. Especially once newer things (maybe mining and stuff?) comes out.

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    278 SpaceJ

    @ShakzDar Only the people that activated the time warp will receive it, Example: If Only 3 players activate the time warp, only they will receive that

    2.7 years ago
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    It would be difficult and not worth while.

    3.1 years ago
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    @ShakzDar You can use sync dates for space race style multiplayer. So you build a rocket and launch its mission. Player 2 then does the same. Who ever does it fastest wins. Then the winner warps forward to sync up with the loser and repeat.

    Not saying it's a good form of mulitplayer. The space race style can be done by agreement and so doesn't need any code behind it. You could play that style via email.

    5.6 years ago
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    326 ShakzDar

    So explain how will you warp while multiplayer ?
    Multiplayer on space game is impossible unless game speed is lock to 1x

    5.6 years ago
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    5.6 years ago


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