The example provided in the sandbox is rather.. exaggerated, but it conveys the point pretty well, I think.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Take an astronaut out on an EVA adventure
  2. Go to the farthest part of the weird centrifuge thing and tether to it and reel it in as close as possible for best results
  3. Exit first person so as to not break the astronaut, and then switch to the main command pod and set throttle to 100
  4. Switch back to the tethered astronaut and look at the map screen. If reproduced correctly you should see that its orbit is changing rather significantly.
  5. Let go of the tether and you will fling yourself.

This is more extreme when in orbit of places like Luna, in which my brother nearly managed to fling himself out of the solar system.

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    @PhilipTarpley No. My older brother was the one that put it to the extreme but I'll check tomorrow when I have time.

    +2 4.2 years ago
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    @SupremeDorian Do you know what delta-V numbers you were seeing?

    4.2 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley Might be dependent on physics settings, I dunno. You don't seem to get much out of it in LDO, but when you get into like Lunar orbit or something it can get a bit ridiculous.

    4.2 years ago
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    So far, I have not been able to get much over 600m/s dv from getting flung, which seems fairly reasonable given I was being spun at ~3 rotations per second, about a circle with circumference of ~200m.

    I personally have come nowhere near leaving the solar system so far. I'm not doubting it can happen if the "stars align", but it doesn't seem like a frequent occurrence, does it?

    4.2 years ago

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