So what happened before this update, this craft(which has a launch abort built into it) was able to escape an explosion of the lower stage even while its right next to the rocket. However after this update i did the same thing and tried launch abort several times, even tho i seperated the craft and made it fly away from the lower stage 5 times the distance i needed before the update, it still somehow exploded.

Bug Rejected Found in 0.9.917.1
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    Dev Pedro

    In previous versions of the game explosions caused no damage to nearby parts or crafts, now they do. Additionally, rocket engine exhausts heat up things, damaging them if they get too hot. You can disable the damage in the settings, use the IDDQD command to disable it temporarily or tinker with the parts to prevent them from being damaged.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    60 Syntax

    For reference this was the craft I tested on:

    2.0 years ago

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