For those who don't know: this setting, when enabled, will muffle most sound when you're in a vacuum, making the game more realistic (sounds travel as waves and require a medium ("something"; in our case, this is the air) to move, in space there is no medium and thus no sound)
problem is, the setting is only an on/off toggle switch, and having it enabled only muffles the sound rather than muting it completely. this can be noticed if you are using a very loud craft (in my instance, almost all of them are) and that can sort of remove the whole point of this setting
my solution to this is making it a slider: 0% is all sounds stay the same in a vacuum as on the surface, and 100% is normal sound in a sufficiently thick atmosphere and full silent in vacuum. percentages in between are, naturally, a blend of the two extremes - i would approximate the current switch's value as around 80-85% (maybe 90?) if the slider would hypothetically be added
that said, it's a horrible time for me to suggest something considering the 1.1 beta is ongoing... oh well

Suggestion Submitted


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