DriverCam in this craft existed before the update, I toggled on the variable zoom thing. Just switch to the camera and see what happens...

Enabling the FOV thing on an old camera (created before beta) seems to cause a few problems...
1. The zoom input controller doesn't get added
2. When toggling through camera view with c/v hotkeys, it gets stuck on said camera view, c/v keys stop working. Manually switching to a different view still works, and fixes c/v
3. While in the weird camera view flight programs seem to pause? I'm still trying to confirm what's going on with this but something weird is definitely happening with the program. I'll add to this if I figure out what exactly is breaking.

EDIT: Yep it is "pausing" vizzy programs. After submitting this I tested with a program to display time since launch. When in the messed up camera the display stopped updating/disappeared. Even weirder, the time since launch (using time since launch block) picked up where it had been when it paused, even though time had passed in game while it was broken.
I can make another bug report for that if you want? Although it all seems to be caused by the cameras

Bug Done Found in 0.9.800.0 Fixed in 0.9.802.0
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