So a lot of you may not know this, but on the Steam version of SR2 you can choose to downgrade to previous versions as early as I think it would be cool to have pre-release versions of the game available there (down to if possible), perhaps with a warning that the game may not work and to backup your stuff.

Suggestion Submitted


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    @LancasterAce For legal reasons, we cannot unban an account that was banned for being underage. When you are of age (13 years or older), or your parents give written permission to the developers that you can have an account, you can make a new one.

    3.7 years ago
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    Respond before bannin me if you choose to be a jerk

    3.7 years ago
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    Hey I am the Falken Reich, I’m a banned player (you can ban this account idc) but could you revive my account on SP (thefalkenreich) March 10th 2021, that’s when I’ll be of age to rejoin. If you could do that it would make my day cause I really miss the SP community and I want to rejoin. And just because I’m 1 year younger that I doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy SimplePlanes to the fullest. And my parents are fine with me in the site but can’t contact the devs. Please help me, I just want to enjoy this great game :’(
    Sincerely, thefalkenreich
    P.S. I’m really pissed that you banned me for me effing age. It’s stupid and I should be able to enjoy the game. So please revive my account or screw off and go ruin more player’s lives like you did to mine

    3.7 years ago


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