The block part, for some reason, does not have connection on all of its sides. also sometimes if a strut connected to a block the connection will dissapear on the other side of the block and not in the place where the strut is connected. That leads to parts not wantng to connect to blocks. I know that problem for a while because im building replicas and i usually solve it by just rotating the block in a position where all connections are right, but some people may not know that. Also i've seen some kind of "connect" and "be connected to" types of connections on a strut for example, and as far as i know the block has 1 of "connect" and 4 "be connected to" connections, so if a block is not rotated right and the "connect" will be on the other side, it would not connect. I hope that in the next update the block will have its 6 connections and i think its better to get rid of "connect" and "be connected to" types of connection, because they only add more confusion.

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