The music in the game is nice and all for when you're actually in-flight, but I personally don't find it very enjoyable when in the designer. Currently the designer plays whatever track was last playing, which is fine but I don't find most of the music fitting for designing things.

SimplePlanes' music was good for both flight and the designer, but this game's music is only good for flight in my opinion. Basically what I want is a dedicated music track for the designer (or multiple, but that'd be more work) that's something more like SimplePlanes' music (or even the original SimpleRockets 1 designer music) while still fitting this game's theme.

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    maybe throw in some SP classics, such as "Interstate"

    3.8 years ago
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    79 NikNak

    Not plugging.....
    But I'm more than willing to provide all my tracks/beats for this if anyone feels they would suit?
    Search @HubsBeats on Spotify, iTunes, TikTok, etc

    4.0 years ago
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    533 AtlasSP

    actually when I play SP and SR2 I usually turn off the music, because the music is not suitable.
    It would be nice if the dev made the in-game music customization feature.

    +1 4.1 years ago
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    345 MCSpace11

    Two Steps From Hell
    X ray Dog

    4.1 years ago
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    I personally use my own music when i build , but is also a good idea to have diferent music for the designer

    4.1 years ago


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