Resume flight with the active craft. Set your target in map view to the nearby satallite (about 12km away). Warp until you are less than 10km away from the other craft. Check scene view to see that the solar panels have loaded in at odd angles.

I think that one set of solar panels was created via radial 2x and the other via mirror. They both seem to behave the same way.

Bug Done Found in Fixed in
Sandbox View


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    I submitted this bug... 6 months ago... and I think it was fixed.

    Edit: Nevermind it wasn’t (found in here

    5.1 years ago
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    After investigation, this appears to only occur in warp. If the first update frame of the solar panel array is skipped, it works fine. It appears to be the rotation code that points the solar panels to the sun that is causing the issue. Ultimately, I believe it is due to the part modifier's update method running before the craft's first update method, resulting in the solar radiation direction being incorrect (since its update as part of the flight data in the craft script's update). The current proposed fix (which risks breaking other stuff), is actually updating the execution order of craft related scripts to update in a more hierarchical fashion... CraftNode->CraftScript->BodyScript->PartGroupScript->PartScript->PartModifier

    +2 5.1 years ago

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