In the pc version of the game when you download a craft with mods you can download the mod or load the craft without the modded parts.

Since you can't install mods in the mobile versions of the game now craft download is blocked, filling the modded crafts posts with annoying comments complaining about the craft having mods and asking for a non-modded version. This harassment has dragged the modding community for a while.

To solve this problem a possible solution may be to allow mobile players to download modded crafts, having a message pop in the game saying some parts and functions won't work and removing them. That's not an ideal solution but it may at least stop the spam in the comment section.

Suggestion Rejected


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    Dev Pedro

    @prohs iirc that has already been suggested, check the Suggestions Section

    3.7 years ago
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    46 prohs

    Some of the downloads with 2000+ parts lag the game a lot on android. Can we create a way to group parts into a single piece? Using the function to create the parts as a whole. This should allow custom builds to be more efficient and faster.

    +1 3.7 years ago
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    Dev Pedro

    @TOMJeb117 The game isn't finished yet, imo they should first finish it and then think about adding the extra content

    4.0 years ago
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    489 CapCipher

    I think they should take the most popular mods and put them stock in the game

    4.0 years ago
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    5,769 SelectAKey

    want mods get a pc. i personally prefer vanilla less issues and updates to worry about. that and by the end of my time on SP i was running 30 some odd mods on my cell. made it unenjoyable. we just need a wider range of stock pieces. and more abilities or properties on current pieces that can be manipulated. for instance transparency would be great cause we could make cockpits and shape and even tint the "glass".

    +1 4.0 years ago
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    Yeah I think this is a great idea! I am an iOS player so this would make things a lot easier. This is the same thing as what they did with simple planes and it works well on that platform.

    +2 4.0 years ago


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