The current push physic uses a ray to check if a fuselage is in position to push, but that is inaccurate, i think a better way is to make it a cone which has it's size proportional to the exhaust flame
Also make distance affect the force applied because the current one doesn't seem to take that into account (idk if that's the case but if im wrong ignore this)
Anyway thanks for your hard work jundroo for bringing us this awesome game

Edit: the current design does use a cone/cylinder for the detection but uses the Center of mass to determine if the push force is applied, which is still inaccurate

Suggestion Submitted


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    559 PNSXK

    Increse throttle and watch the fuel tank on top of the engine

    5 months ago
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    559 PNSXK

    @TritonAerospace check this post here

    5 months ago
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    @PNSXK I tried a couple times but it doesn't really work.
    But imagine if you could push wings, then you would get a little creative and mount it on the exhaust with a little rotator for a vectoring effect🤔

    5 months ago
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    559 PNSXK

    This post

    5 months ago
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    559 PNSXK

    @TritonAerospace yes, i remember the devs directly stating that rocket engines push parts in an update

    5 months ago
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    @PNSXK how can I currently make it detect a free part behind it to push off?
    I know you are suggesting this but where you able to push off other parts before?

    5 months ago
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    559 PNSXK

    @TritonAerospace It seems that I forgot to explain it in the post,sorry about that. I'll clarify it here, the "push physics " i was talking about is the act of rocket engines pushing stuff (fuel tanks, struts, etc...) behind it's nozzle when ignited

    5 months ago
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    push physics?

    5 months ago


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