I know this would be quite a feat, it would not be easy to do. I'm asking if it is possible to for provision of a SimpleRockets 2 manual, somewhat like KSPedia.

It doesn't have to be included in game, it can be made in PDF and be made available for download and opening out of game (but an in-game instructional text wouldn't be too bad either). I feel like it'll make navigating the game easier for new players.

Perhaps there can be instructions on basics of building and piloting crafts and use of electronics and other devices. Particularly I'd be appreciative of how to go about Vizzy.

I feel like this would open up the game a bit more and make it easier to walkthrough for many other players who may not be programmers or experts in various other fields.

I know for now as a new player I have relied mostly on other more experienced players' experiences and explanations, but at times these can prove to be more complex as an average person who loves Spaceflight and Simulation games without really having knowledge or expertise in programming and engineering.

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