So I just want to start a discussion and suggestions thread about casual playability. We're going to be playing on phones, which means we're going to want to be able to play this and also do other things like text our friends, eat our lunch, etc. That's what this thread is all about, improving your ability to play this game and multitask.
One thing that currently gets in the way of casual playability, something that has always plagued SimplePlanes, something that I would love to nip in the bud in the early days of this beta, is the games tendency to completely close when you view another application. I want to be able to switch back and forth between dming my boyfriend on Instagram and building big long rockets without having to worry about the game closing out completely and making me sit through the loading screen. This is an example of casual playability. Casual play is the most common type of play on smart phones, so it would make sense for this game to try to accommodate this playstyle as best as it can.

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    @AndrewGarrison Well I'm working on getting a phone with 3gb ram compared to my current 1.8, so maybe that will help. It would be nice to see some efforts to mitigate this behavior on lower end devices in the future though. Anyways, that was just one example of a way that casual playability could be improved. I'm sure as people start to integrate playing this game into their daily lives, not just for bug finding but also for simple fun, they will come up with all sorts of ideas to make a casual sit-down with the game more enjoyable. I can't wait to see what people come up with.

    +2 4.7 years ago
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    I suspect your device is low on RAM and is killing SR2 when another app is opened. We don't have any control over that. Mobile devices are very aggressive about killing off background apps to free up memory for apps you are currently using. Restarting your device occasionally might help a bit. Also try moving all settings to low so SR2 doesn't use as much RAM.

    +3 4.7 years ago


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