I have seen several suggestions to add a Vizzy reporting block for the estimated overall drag of our craft, as well as countless self-landing programs, made either by myself or others. All of these have a lack of precision, as the current method for calculating drag in vizzy(not yet tested by me) is not precise. Yet when we go into the flight view, we can see the estimated drag of each specific part, but in Vizzy there is not one single block to report this information to our programs.

There also is the lines within the flight view of our craft that show an estimated impact point. This impact point is not able to be determined through Vizzy on planets with any atmospheric drag with any mathematical calculations with precision. This is due to determining the drag coefficient of a craft at its current approach angle being very inaccurate. It would be very nice to be able to find the AGL/ASL at the estimated impact point, the maximum impact speed (taking total drag of the craft into effect at current orientation).

List of things I’d like to see added to Vizzy:
1. Total drag of craft
2. Drag coefficient of craft at current orientation
3. Prediction of impact point reporting
4. Maximum speed at impact

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