Tonseffus is the closest planet to Arago, it seems to hosts oceans of a yet to be determined substance, scientists are hypothesizing what it could potentially be, some say it could potentially support life, however this world does infact host life, scans have possinly detected silicate based lifeforms roaming its surface. Tonseffus seems to be covered in what appears to be a brown mossy biological mass. This world seems to have a common composition when compared to other worlds within the Arago system, however scientists are still yet to determine what the oceans here are comprised of and whether the silicate based lifeforms are either intelligent or not.
- Created On: Android
- Game Version:
- Radius: 2,402 km
- Sea Level: -2,500 m
- Surface Gravity: 23.9 m/s
- Rotational Period: 14h
- Escape Velocity: 10.72 km/s
- Mass: 2.07E+24kg
- Height: 24 km
- Scale Height: 3,459 m
- Surface Air Density: 1.000 kg/m3
- Surface Temperature: 717 K
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