"Skies of Peril"

from the Universe Sandbox 2 variant of Antarius System

Date of Discovery: Sol 155.2070

Planetary Statistics:
Jupiter Masses: 1.14 mj
Jupiter Radii: 1.26 rj
Density per cubic centimeter: 0.754 g/cm^3
Atmosphere Composition:
68.21% Nitrogen
18.93% Methane
8.007% Oxygen
3.2101% Xenon
1.047% Argon
0.5959% Trace Gases
Atmosphere Pressure: 2.8000049 atm
Atmospheric Density: 2.155 kg/m^3
Avergage Temperature: 455k
Orbital Period: 224 SED
Semi Major Axis: 0.745AU
Orbital Eccentricity: 0.00135
Orbital Inclination: 0.000632°
Rotational Period: 4.88 SED
Axial Tilt: 14.8°

4th Planet from Arventhor
Although its atmosphere may seem habitable, the turbulent bands and other gases make life on Anderoth near-impossible.

 Planet Lore
Named after one of the Prime Hypereans, Anderoth has many turbulent storms that are scattered everywhere. Thanks to its closest and largest moon, Metteron, the tidal forces of each other are strong. The Hyperean that was based on this was known for its chaotic behavior. Sometimes friend or foe, Anderoth was red, and some similar abilities to Hyperant himself. Although it can't manipulate Exotic Matter like Hyperant, it can use Antimatter well.
Speaking on the planet side, Anderoth has a teal blue atmosphere. This is caused by an increase of Nitrogen and Methane, with some oxygen that makes it bluer than it would be without it. It is similar to Tarseaes' atmosphere, albeit the only thing comparable is the nitrogen content, roughly 40-70%. Its bands are very strange, with many more storms than Domar, and swirling bands. It is currently unknown as to how it is more stronger and turbulent the bands and storms are, but we can only guess.
Thanks to the Tanis Nebula, Anderoth boasts an excessive amount of moons. As said for the entry of Domar, it is the cause of the binary blackholes and the location in the Tanis Nebula. It is speculated that Anderoth was once a T-type brown dwarf that is currently cooling down. It had large rings in the past which also led to the development of the moons. One might argue that one moon could form from those rings, but thanks to the stronger gravity Anderoth had in the past, those moons were kept in check.


Moon Count:
| Major Moons: 11 - Minor Moons: 78 |


  • Created On: Windows
  • Game Version:


  • Radius: 88,071 km
  • Sea Level: None
  • Surface Gravity: 18.6 m/s
  • Rotational Period: N/A
  • Escape Velocity: 57.24 km/s
  • Mass: 2.16E+27kg


  • Height: 2,076 km
  • Scale Height: 300 km
  • Surface Air Density: 2.155 kg/m3
  • Surface Temperature: 355 K



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    4,015 PZLAgencies


    11 days ago
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    471 heitorM

    @Hyperant oh damn. Also now looking with more attwntion, Anderoth looks like a brown dwarf i think beacuse of it red-like color

    12 days ago
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    9,095 Hyperant

    In Universe Sandbox 2, it is fully made, and very outdated compared to what I have in store for JNO. I worked with US2 until they released their terraformation update, which I thought was good, but it stripped nearly every moon of its atmosphere. I learned to make the swirly storms from @Seeya, @heitorM

    13 days ago
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    471 heitorM

    Are the Antarius System completed in US2 or you are making it in US2 and JNO at the same time?

    13 days ago
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    471 heitorM

    That semi-storms like in 60W 30N are beautiful man

    13 days ago
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    2,983 Isosceles51

    "So how many storms do you want?"

    +2 15 days ago
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    sweet :0
    reminds me of kool-aid, idk why

    +1 16 days ago


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