Auto Credit Based on OverCAT83's Yellow Diamond Test 001.5.1 [W.I.P.]

Welcome to the "Yellow Diamond" Deep Sea Submersible

The "Yellow Diamond" Submersible is a deep sea explorer submersible with three-person capacity onboard, one being the pilot and the other two passengers/crew. It is equipped with various necessary equipments for deep sea exploration such as medium-range communications, sensor arrays, photography and videography equipments, high-intensity floodlights, two controllable robotic arms, oxygen tanks and a Co2 Scrubber, navigational equipment, emergency mechanism, realtime structural monitoring and more packed within this one submersible!

The "Yellow Diamond" can reach a maximum speed of 5m/s with it's dual shaft-driven propellers and 4 control thrusters for maneuvering enabling it to move quickly in urgent or emergency situations.

The "Yellow Diamond" also features it's distinct two variable ballast tanks mounted beside the main pressure vessel which can fill around 500L each tanks of water if flodded.

Have a great time exploring with the Yellow Diamond Deep Sea Submersible!

Disclaimer! : (Some of the things mentioned above are not actually included in the craft they're just purely for post theatrics)


Slider 1: Controls the variable ballast. (+ is drain/ascend, - is fill/descend)

Slider 2: Don't touch it as that is the input for the main props.

Slider 3: Controls the claws on the robotic arms.

Slider 4: Controls the zoom in the cameras.

Throttle: Controls the props RPM.

Pitch: Controls the pitch.

Yaw: Does absolutely nothing.

Roll: Controls the yaw. (I did this to have a functioning two-axis joystick with the drood manipulation)

Translate Forward: Extends the robotic arms.

Translate Up: Moves the robotic arms up and down.

Translate Right: Pivots the arms side to side.

Some more important things you should know...

  1. If you have a low-end device then I suggest that you DO NOT TURN ON THE LIGHTS or you won't need the pause button anymore. This is assuming you can even run this so be careful with what you activate.

  2. You can hover at a certain depth by adjusting the amount of ballast inside the ballast tanks using Slider 1. To do this, if you're below the target depth, increase Slider 1 until you near the target depth then start decreasing it again and vice versa. The important thing that you should be watching for is your vertical velocity as for you to stay at a specific depth, you need your vertical velocity to be zero at that exact depth. And also, I'd suggest using the ascend and descend AGs for more broad adjustments or if just want to surface or sink to the ocean floor.

  3. In order to use the robotic arms, you need to enable their respective AGs first.

  4. The ascending and descending pace is absolutely slow to most of you normal people and it is a bit slower than most real submersibles but that is just how this sub works because of the difficulty to fine tune the ballast to get the most velocity in ascending or descending but I think in my case the sub is just not that hydrodynamic and it's causing a lot of drag. If you're very impatient, try using the propellers instead but it will be a less realistic way of operating as in real life they just let the sub sink without any propulsion assistance whatsoever.

Yes I finally finished a craft in the last 2 months and although this is (I think) the best craft I made in terms of actual detail, that cost me my precious mobile performance and so it was quite hard to build, test and even take the high graphics screenshots because of the immense lag but here is it now finished! Also in the last stages of the build, I wanted to test it by my own but, even with the lowest graphic settings, the FPS I had was around <5 so I turned around to the JCS Discord Server to ask for help in testing the sub on someone else's device and thankfully Wills123 responded and agreed to test my sub and I thank him for testing it. Without his help I'd be uploading this craft blind to whether it has major problems or not so thanks to Wills123 again.



  • Total Delta V: 0m/s
  • Total Thrust: 900N
  • Engines: 6
  • Wet Mass: 8,567kg
  • Dry Mass: 8,056kg


Stage Engines Delta V Thrust Burn Mass
1 2 0m/s 0N 2s 8,567kg


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  • Profile image
    5,357 OverCAT83

    Do not open the hatch below 500m or else...

    Pinned 1.6 years ago
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    790 Donaldd

    Wtf is the Green one doing?

    6 months ago
  • Profile image
    150 Someon1

    Recreating ocean gate with this one 🗣🗣🗣🔥

    +4 1.4 years ago
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    time to implode muhahaha 😈

    +4 1.6 years ago
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    165 DE

    Wow! This version is the best submarine yet

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    30 Zi7ar21

    I want to control it using a Logitech F170

    +5 1.6 years ago
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    @OverCAT83 I should sue you for copyright lmao

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    @OverCAT83 yes

    +1 1.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,357 OverCAT83

    @DiamondModerator but are you yellow? 🤔

    1.6 years ago
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    thats my name

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    5,357 OverCAT83

    @xiao0si 抱歉,我必须添加很多灯光,因为海洋深处很黑

    1.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,357 OverCAT83

    @WVBOBK I appreciate it. Yea the truth is I can't even play it on my own phone that I had to ask someone else test it before posting.

    1.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    4,948 WVBOBK

    It’s beautiful. I dare not try to load it to my iPad, but dang, it’s a lovely work! Bravo!

    +2 1.6 years ago
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    +1 1.6 years ago
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    5,357 OverCAT83

    @gnexes02 probably not unless we do proper testing first.

    1.6 years ago
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    Can this thing reach the ss drootanic?

    +2 1.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,357 OverCAT83

    @CanadaDucK thanks again for your continuous support!

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    19.6k CanadaDucK

    Absolutely Amazing OverCAT83!

    +1 1.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,357 OverCAT83

    @Dooiereier I'm too lazy too even know what material it is...

    1.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    6,396 Dooiereier

    Is the main hull made of carbon fiber?

    +1 1.6 years ago


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