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    As with Mostly’s comment, if you treat this site as a social media website, where core values are upvotes, rank, social status, and so on, you will soon become dissatisfied and eventually drop the game. Here, we enjoy the creativity offered by the game and post our creations for fun, and if the website is used as social media, what would the game be?

    +4 2.2 years ago
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    And finally, you have become one of the good SP people to expand to SimpleRockets2.

    +3 2.8 years ago
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    Now, we could get some Ace Combat experience in Juno.
    Someday, do you wish to work for Jundroo, @Rafaele?

    +2 2.0 years ago
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    but in order to let everyone enjoy the game even if they don't excel at building, we have teamed with some of the best builders in the community to bring you a new suite of stock crafts.

    As with the other user-made stock crafts in SimplePlanes, I expect the stock crafts in SimpleRockets2 to be made by moderators again.

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    @BeastHunter, yes, a Touhou Project fan who sometimes post Touhou Project, related aircraft. I might post a tank here, because I am a continuous tracks and suspension nut, a machinery nut indeed. Now how do you know anyways, and I think it’s pretty obvious anyways.

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    @Bryan5, @BeastHunter, I know you!

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    Possibly to get more points or I do not know. You happen to have an account in SimplePlanes, earning you more points in both sites.
    By the way, do you really have SimpleRockets2?

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    @Tucanchicky, the “this beta is full” message might mean that the developers no longer allow more users to come in into the beta; they only allow a small amount of users to go into the beta.

    +2 2.9 years ago
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    The sensors you suggested are already in active development.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    You can write funky trees code in an input:
    Roll + Pitch
    In this code, the rotator can rotate with both roll and pitch inputs.

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    And then Nitori the kappa builds a space agency.
    ᴺᶦᵗᵒʳᶦ ᴷᵃʷᵃˢʰᶦʳᵒ ⁽ᶜ⁾ ᶻᵁᴺ

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    The 1st picture of the ShaderGraph based clouds reminds me of the “Barrier of Life & Death” stage from Touhou Project.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    When using this site, please read the rules that govern this site to avoid getting into trouble in the future. Hope that helps.
    Simplerockets2 does not have as many prefabricated parts as KSP, but have adjustable parts, allowing you to create more complex creations more easily without having to scale parts up and down and so on. On the other hand, it’s a good game.

    +1 2.0 years ago
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    I hope this situation has been dealt with.
    If I can confirm this really happened in simplerockets.com, then I shall research it to make an eventual informational post about it.
    Thank you for alerting us here though.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    This is a concept very new for mod creators and analysts alike (tell me if I am wrong), so they must perform further research to answer this question of yours. You might have to wait a bit longer.
    Would you like to tag this forum post under the “mod request” tag?

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    And so, you have reversed course and changed the name.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    Did you use an adjustable track idler; the idler could tension the track if equipped with pistons.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Instead of a slogan, why not add a choice for a singular logo like this.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @Hermes01000100, well HOW? That is his question, how can he make the rotators stronger?

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    Does increasing the size of the rotators solve the wobbly joint problems?

    Anyways, get creative. Try to build fictional mechs, so you are not constrained by the limitations in building replicas.

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    Welcome to simplerockets.com.
    The rules here are pretty much the same as in simpleplanes.com. You can post your SimpleRockets2 crafts here on this site. If you read about the new blog posts with “new update” thumbnails, then it is because they are updating SimpleRockets2 to a new level, among the features in the update are campaign mode, a mode where you start with limited resources and must start your way up to infinity, maybe by completing “contracts” (speculation).

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    The first 2 images on the “Some crafts I have been working on:” section looks whimsical, and reminded me of the independent 3D animations. The second one is my favorite of the pictures so far.
    As for the planets, some of them look straight out of a modern AAA sci-fi videogame. The earth like planet looks like it came from a poorly made 90s science fiction film.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    The “device killer” tag is useful because they help identify crafts that may not run well on more modest devices (i.e. “potato” devices).

    The purpose of SimpleRockets is to make realistic crafts, yet keep them available for all or most to enjoy

    That is not the exact purpose. I know SimpleRockets2 has realistic components but the main purpose of this game is to have fun. Go build the crafts you like and post them on the site; that’s a fun thing to do, there is no obligation to make crafts according to expectations. If this “realism but interoperable” argument were to be prioritized, it will create a society, where users who build more realistic, simpler, but boring crafts get the most praise while the other users who create unrealistic, over complicated, but aesthetically pleasing crafts get shunned for not being “realistic” enough. Remember that a discriminatory society is not a loving society and nobody wants that.
    To note... I myself am a mobile user but I have SimpleRockets2 in my computer. It should be noted that mobile users outnumber computer users in population size, yet appear to be more diverse, since people use more phones than computers nowadays.

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    It’s okay if you either have high upvotes or low or no upvotes at all. Remember that ranks are just empty plates that do nothing. :)

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    And so, by 17776, JUICE will see the Earth in a very different way.

    1.8 years ago
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    I think this error pops up because of parental controls. Try to adjust your parental controls on your device, browser, et cetera; that would surely help.

    1.8 years ago
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    No longer down, as of now.

    1.9 years ago
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    I was mostly picked on and harassed by the community on discord...

    Surprising; I have never seen harassment within the community before.

    2.0 years ago
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    Bro, you must get 100 upvotes and make gravatar account to change pfp

    @FallenPancakezz, actually you don’t need to have 100 upvotes or more to be able to use the Gravatar service.


    AlbertanPlaneMaker is obviously joking. I can see the irony behind his comment.

    2.0 years ago
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    I'd looked the rules over... i've not fallen afoul of them, have i?

    I hope you did not run afoul of the rules. I usually put links to the rules as standard way of greeting to make sure newcomers have read and understood the rules. Personally, I want that so the first time they log in, they are redirected to the rules and have to press the “agree” button, located at the bottom of said rules, to activate their account.

    Yes, i'd noticed that you can reshape parts, which is VERY cool.. still the lack of pre-fab parts is a touch disappointing.
    Still a good game, though. really enjoying it.

    The good news, there are some builds containing parts that act like the prefabricated parts in KSP. You can make one yourself (though I suggest using struts for your builds with only using fuselages for fuel tanks and/or other fluid tanks).

    2.0 years ago
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    A convenient way to play soccer in SimpleRockets2.

    2.1 years ago
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    @RichGWall, that would get them a trademark infringement lawsuit from Tru Kids, Inc. over the similarity of the names.

    2.1 years ago
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    @Renofox, click on the tags again and you will see what I mean.

    2.1 years ago
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    I think they are making a new icon. I would like if they put out another competition for a new logo.

    2.1 years ago
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    Try to create ground vehicles (e.g. tanks, armored cars, APCs, and the like) or aircraft. Don’t forget to add interiors. :)

    2.1 years ago
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    You could have logged in with your SimplePlanes account on this website to avoid having to create an alternate account.
    Also note that the rules in this website and in simpleplanes.com are the same.

    2.3 years ago
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    That would be pretty nice for us. I can finally make better creations in a smaller amount of time!

    PS: Sorry for the delay in this release for those that have been following the leaks over the last weeks. It has been an eventful month, including the sudden death of my computer, so things got delayed more than we expected.

    Ah, sorry, I hope you people have better luck next time. I might be able to help but I do not have any interest into that, nor am I a good developer. So, maybe let’s be patient?

    2.4 years ago
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    This was a base that used to be the main base BEFORE the game-changing update. I know because I remember playing in this base, having bit of a fun with the interior balconies with misshapen hit points, and so on.

    2.4 years ago
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    I think I am seeing an unfinished, really detailed, functional passenger aircraft. I can only wonder what model of aircraft is this... :/

    2.4 years ago
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    Well, take a moment to read the comments below this comment, however:
    - You will not be able to perform fuselage slicing on fuselage blocks in SimpleRockets2, that feature is being considered as of now.
    - You will not have premade propellers and car engines. You must make a propeller using an electric motor and a couple of fins attached to a hub.
    Also you may find that:
    - You can save a craft and the craft remains. This allows you to play with multiple crafts, a thing that I personally enjoy.
    - There is a built-in screenshot taker.
    - There is an aforementioned part called the electric motor, that is more advanced from a rotator with the most distinguishing feature being that it can rotate infinitely.
    You should note that you can login to SimpleRockets2 with your account in SimplePlanes, which is more convenient than making an alt account.

    2.5 years ago
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    Here lies Uxío Novoneyra, a Galician poet who wrote a poem that eventually got into this very particular Easter egg location.

    2.6 years ago
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    Now you can experiment on the new features of the new SimpleRockets2! ;)

    2.7 years ago
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    2.7 years ago
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    @Staticalliam7, why? Can you give me a number of garbage starship examples. Also, not all of the starships are garbage.

    2.8 years ago
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    Farewell, kiddo. Best luck for your future life. I hope you’re still here... :)

    2.8 years ago
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    To be more clear, a list of servers with names and descriptions would be nice.
    One user may host a server with it’s computers, not servers operated via costly and monolithic servers inside companies. This helps reduce cost.
    I like your ambitious idea to create such mods, but be warned, out there be obstacles. If somehow this work cannot continue, please consider releasing the source code for others modders and also the community to build upon (and make sure you put a permissive license, otherwise the community cannot build upon your work).
    As for the server ecosystem, there will be free servers for you to play. Some servers are commercial and may ask you to pay for real money. The servers will also have a good amount of diversity, such as servers catering to gamers, artists, et cetera; servers talking about sensitive topics such as politics; and even servers whose members like to raid other servers as often and servers that pose criminal risks (which makes guidelines for servers important).
    As well, keep on the good work!

    2.8 years ago
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    @HorizonsTechnologies, this one is the most recent one; I thought it has been removed as I cannot seem to access it anymore.

    3.0 years ago
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    “Different Together”
    I like how this word means.
    I know it’s frustrating we get to see SpaceX every day and every night and every time, but make the criticism constructive please; it’s just that they like to build things, so they build things and said things don’t break the rules. Don’t try to throw insults and shout at them their stuff is bad, just because they hopped into a bandwagon and make a “cool but cliche” craft or making a constructive successor of another’s. Instead, why not be calm and constructive in your criticisms while giving clear and elaborate feedback on the qualities of the crafts. That’s what this community is for; creating builds while also generously allowing others to modify your builds to a constructive way. A restrictive community that oppresses people and greatly restricts their freedom is not a good community and may result in users leaving to other communities. So, if you are either so overprotective of your works, you try to give those who create even original and transformative works from your works, then this website is not for you.
    These people who make crafts are human beings with feelings with a tendency to make mistakes and don’t like insults and harsh, in constructive criticism. If you don’t like a craft, don’t throw insults and harsh, unconstructive criticism and move on. If you don’t like a person, block said person and move on. You should apply restraint at all times because anger and tantrums don’t solve problems but complicates such. That’s why, you should be with other people as one and don’t create infighting.
    If you don’t like this community, then leave it alone and move on.
    A community whose members act without restraint and respect is not a stable community and may fracture, a lot, over time. People exclude others because they did not fit the standards, philosophy, and stereotypes they expect. When a post that subverts and contradicts any of this community’s expectations or philosophies, do not expect drama to come up, even if they did not break the rules. We should apply restraint and educate ourselves, so we do not repeat the same mistakes as we did in the past because, as explained before, a “toxic” community without restraint and respect will become a fractured, chaotic community that becomes a bad place for you to live.
    So here’s the thing, be yourself, being different as a person and be with others as one, being together to work as an accepting community. If no one applies these principles, the community might fall down and that’s something you don’t want to. That is the purpose of being “different together,” to be one while working with others as one.

    3.0 years ago
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    @plane918273645, actually my discovery is way way back before the creation of this account. Sorry for the cognitive dissonance caused.

    3.0 years ago