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joined 4.5 years ago

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Upcoming project: The Witherer.

You can call me SpaceJunk69, 'cuz giving any personal information is pretty dangerous on any website, and I love ice cream. Anyways, I came across this game not over 5 years ago and started this account probably some years later. I was in search of a good game, a space one, the one with similar gameplay system to KSP on mobile phone. Now, after I came across JUNO (Formerly SR2), I fell in love the second I look at the gameplay. And that's pretty much how I found this game. I find this game enjoyable, even though my lack of skillz can make me stressed out.
Currently, I'm playing the game on laptop. I'm not really good at pretty much any aspects in this game since I have only a handful of experience playing this game. Other than that, I, often times, used the tinker panel to make my crafts perform perfectly as intended, but normally, I don't go really overboard with it.
Usually, it takes me 1-6 months to build and also post a craft, ranging from airplane, rockets, and the other things. I use an app named Canva to make a thumbnail/photo and also some editing software in my laptop. Unfortunately, I have to take some time off the game to take care of my real life. To sum it up, I love sharing crafts, because... I want to? 🗿
Oh yeah, a little warning, especially for a grammar police if you are one of them. Do not ever check my old posts. Most of them have a major grammatical issues in their description because back then I was still learning English. Other than that, they are, probably, cringe .
Because of that reason, I deleted some of my useless posts. If you do the math, you can find that the number of points I have does not match the current number of upvotes.
Just to be clear, if you've seen some of my old posts where the description has oddly placed text, it could be from an image failed to load, maybe because of the picture no longer existing in my device. If I could, I'll try to put a new one.

Ever since I started to play this game 5 years ago, I have met a lot of good fellers, they helped me out with projects, gameplay systems, etc.
if you want to visit them, I linked their account here, don't forget to visit their account!🗿📋

After sharing some of my completed projects, here's a list of my best crafts:
1. KRI Majapahit Class Supercarrier
2. Theseus SHLLV
3. Stargazer I Block B
4. Stargazer II Block C
5. Habibie H.B IX Baladewa

6. VX-77 Apollyon

Other than the best one, here's more complete craft list so far:

1.DLS Phoenix Heavy B4
2.Saturn MLV-421B
3.Saturn MLV 135 V
4.DLS Delta Block 5
5.Taurus Delta C-V2
6.Aphrodite Block 1
7.Stargazer I Block B
8.Stargazer II Block C
1.IF-31 Raven II
2.IFX ER34A Fefnir STOVL
3.ISFX 2 Arjuna
4.Habibie H.B IX Baladewa
1.KRI Majapahit Class Supercarrier
2.MATS-1201 B V1
3.ISC Antares
just be careful when visiting those crafts since most of them are, well, cringe 🗿.
(P.S: Not all craft are included, because, they are not really worth to see)

Thank you for visiting my account, i hope you are doing well with everything, catch you later then!😁

Thanks for everything!

Previously known as bramfarel307, foreignlazyman307, IAMMF, IAMMFHeavyIndustries