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joined 9 months ago

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Player Biography  

Hi, i’m Skye. I’m making an irl aerospace company with a few friends and like uploading our prototype blueprints here cause I want feedback and stuff, also i like this game cause its rlly fun and the community is nice :3

I “swear” I’m not a furry

If you have any questions, email me at:

Company Photo Gallery At the Bottom Of The Bio.

They/them please <3 (or I will find you)

Book Launch IRL:

Note: This is a real form to launch a real satellite on one of our rockets once our company is fully operational. Do not click this link if you don’t want a real satellite launched.

Book Launch in Juno:

Note: This form is to launch a satellite(s) that you have made in Juno, if you want a satellite launched IRL, see the link above. We won’t charge you any money for requesting a launch in Juno, because it’s a video game and that’d be scummy. This link is just for us to launch your satellite(s) in Juno and then make a post about the launch, crediting you for the satellite(s). Clicking this link is encouraged, because launching other people’s crafts as if it were real is fun.

Strike Space Overview

We are a launch company that can provide fast, reliable and fully reusable launch systems with high capability, low complexity and low cost. We use 3d printing to manufacture rockets quickly, efficiently and cheaply. We also use Carbon Composites to make our rockets lightweight and economical. Combining 3d printing with carbon composites allows the manufacturing of carbon composites for far less money than most people associate with carbon composites.

We are very open with our development, so you can click these links to see our google documents on the Company. (Bear in mind, we are currently in secondary school, (high school, for any Americans reading) so there isn’t anything super in-depth, but we are hoping on making it a reality)

Launch Vehicle Doc:


Engine Specs:

Carbon Composite Ideas:

Launch Vehicle Overview

My art of planets

Just thought “hey, what if Venus had a habitable moon, that’d be pretty neat” and drew this one day.
Small habitable moon of Venus with a volcanic asteroid moon and some calcite ice rings. Got the rings idea from the Kurzgesagt video on terraforming Venus, and thought that if this existed irl, this would be a nice place to keep the ice.




@Microbe did a funny satire edit of Thunderf00t (that skeptic who hates starship and Elon and had no clue what was happening during flight 4) and I thought it was funny so here it is

Previously known as C8NovaEnjoyer, XRS2200, Fyrem0th